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  3. Corporate Responsibility Policy

At the PUKKA, we uphold the objective of carrying out all our activities in a safe and responsible manner, as well as contributing to the well-being and development of society in accordance with our Mission, Vision and Values document.

Our CSR Policy has been defined taking into account the opinion of our various stakeholders (customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and society in general) and develops the following aspects:

Environmental management and protection of the environment: Environmental protection criteria are present in all our activities and throughout their life cycle, respecting biodiversity and the social environment

Control and safety of facilities: We guarantee maximum safety at all our facilities, and we make every effort to maintain high safety standards in all our processes.

Health and safety at work: We are committed to carrying out all our activities whilst paying special attention to protecting everybody’s health and safety.

Relations with the community and stakeholders: We maintain a fluid and permanent dialogue with all our stakeholders in order to understand their needs and interests, with the aim of collaborating to ensure the well-being and development of the communities where we are present.

Ethics and integrity: We promote action based on strict ethical principles and transparency and on the fulfilment of our commitments.